Master of Ceremonies

Over the years, I’ve had the pleasure of being Master of Ceremonies for many, many special occasions. Awards dinners, golf tourneys, fundraising events – they’ve given me the opportunity to meet great people doing great things for great causes.

With Leaf great Johnny Bower at the Peel Crimestoppers annual golf tournament.

From the Peel Crimestoppers Chief of Police Dinner, to dozens of Big Brothers/Sisters events, to the annual Friends of the Argonauts Charity Corn roast, I’ve enjoyed doing them all. Immensely.

With Jenn Valentyne and Roger Ashby at “The Big Night Out” for Big Brothers and Sisters of Toronto.


It’s a privilege to be involved with hardworking, dedicated, friendly people, all with at least one thing in common: the desire to make a difference in their community.

As a bonus, I get to have fun doing it!